Terms and Conditions

Vixy Technologies Private Limited is an international software development company that sometimes operates with affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively “ARME Technologies”). These terms and conditions of use (“Terms”) apply to your use of our website and affiliated websites (collectively “Websites”).

Vixy Technologies does not guarantee the accuracy of any information provided on this website. We reserve the right to make changes and alterations as necessary. When we make these changes, we will post the updated Terms, date of effectiveness, and other information on our website. We will also contact interested third parties to inform them of these changes.

Vixy Technologies will not notify you directly regarding these alterations. To stay current on our Terms, we advise you to check regularly for updates to our Terms and Policy. For more information about our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions, please contact us at any time.

Disclaimer of warranty

We provide all materials “AS IS” without express or implied warranty. Vixy Technologies disclaims warranties of any kind, whether expressly implied or statutory, including claims about usefulness, suitability for any purpose, security and non-infringement, and all warranties regarding the availability of the information we provide. We disclaim all warranties related to the veracity or accuracy of our content.

Vixy Technologies does not guarantee that the website’s features, functions, or content are secure, accurate, free of errors, or free of defects. We will not be responsible for functional failures of the website, errors, malfunctions, site crashes, loss of data, or other events that occur after your use of our website. We do not guarantee that the website will be corrected or updated at any time or in response to any request.

We disclaim all responsibility for the risk, damage to your computer system, loss of personal data, inaccuracy of content, or other events associated with the use of our website. You agree to use this website at your sole risk and discretion, and you assume all responsibility for your use. If you are uncertain about the risks associated with using this website, we encourage you to stop using this website.

Limitation of liability

Vixy Technologies will not be liable for any damages, indirect or consequential, arising from your use of this website. We disclaim any and all liability incurred by this use, including loss of profits, cost of replacement, damages caused by the improper release of information, actions taken based on inaccurate information or any other liabilities. We expressly disclaim this liability, even in cases where we were informed of the possibility of damages.

User agreement

While using the website, you agree not to:

  • Upload or post any information on our website that violates the Terms or the Policy.
  • Restrict the free use of this website by any person, conduct yourself in a way that encourages the unlawful use of this website, or use this website in any way that could result in a criminal or civil charge.
  • Post, upload or publish any information you find on this website in any manner that is not authorized by Vixy Technologies, for private commercial uses, for the purposes of spamming or flooding, or for gaining unlawful access to a third party or affiliated entity.
  • Use information gathered on this website to gain unauthorized or unlawful access to any corporate or government entity, get unlawful access to personal information, or make other attempts at fraudulent activity.
  • Vixy Technologies has the right to regularly monitor the website. This includes our ongoing efforts to preserve the security of private personal and corporate information retained on this website. We retain the right to disclose any information we have gathered when necessary to comply with criminal investigations, government examinations, judicial subpoenas, fraud investigations or financial audits. Vixy Technologies does not make any express or implied guarantee that we will update or monitor this website.
  • Vixy Technologies has the right, but not the obligation, to remove any information or content on this website that we determine, at our sole discretion, is injurious, unlawful or harmful to our business interests. We retain the right to suspend or terminate any user from access to this website.

Software downloads

Any software downloaded from this website is the copyrighted work of Vixy Technologies or its service providers. All users of this software must comply with the requirements of the End User License Agreement (EULA) that accompanies the software. Vixy Technologies expressly prohibits the use of software that violates the EULA or any other legal regulation.

Use of content

You may use the information, images, videos, software, scripting, text, graphics, music, sounds and other materials on this website (collectively “Content”) for informational, nonc ommercial and personal use only. You may not modify, alter, delete or publish the content without our express written permission.

Your use implies your agreement to observe all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the materials. You may not use the content for commercial uses without the express written consent of Vixy Technologies. You are prohibited from the unauthorized copying, displaying, or other use of any content from this website. The unauthorized use of our content is unlawful, and we will pursue this violation to the full extent of local, state, federal and international law.

We do not require permission to link to Vixy Technologies from other sites, but we appreciate notification of the link.

Copyright and trademarks

All product and brand names are copyrights or registered trademarks of their respective holders. We provide our copyright images for your information only. This availability on our website does not grant you a license to use it. Vixy Technologies holds the copyright on all material we create for the website. We also display content that is the copyrighted material of its original creator. Use of this website does not constitute a right to use our intellectual property or copyrighted material. Vixy Technologies and the content creators retain full and complete rights to all material.

Third parties

This website may provide links to outside websites. Vixy Technologies makes no representations about the accuracy, usefulness, security or any materials of these sites. We are not responsible for the use of any content linked to our website, content on a third-party site, or links to affiliate sites. You acknowledge that Vixy Technologies is not liable for the accuracy or nature of content on any third-party site.

Links or representations of specific trademarks, product names, service providers or other names in no way imply Vixy Technologies’s endorsement of a particular entity. Our links or representation of these companies do not constitute an endorsement of their business practices, marketing efforts or any other activities. You agree that Vixy Technologies is not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused by or in connection with the use of these goods, services or manufacturers.

Applicable laws

We do not imply that access to this website constitutes legal permission to use it in places where such use is illegal. All users agree to use the website at their own risk and take responsibility for all consequences. All users of this website must comply with applicable local and international laws.

Contact us

Please contact us at connect@arme.ai if you have any questions about Vixy Technologies’s Privacy Policy or Terms and Conditions.